Fighting for Abortion Access is an Act of Love
Artists from across Oklahoma and the U.S. were asked to create a piece representing their own interpretations of the theme, “fighting for abortion access is an act of love.” The art is part of a larger campaign to engage supporters of reproductive freedom across Oklahoma. Love is what drives us at OCRJ to defend, support, and fight for Oklahomans’ access to abortion care and these works of art encapsulate the powerfully positive impact that reproductive freedom has on all our lives.
Act of Love
By Caitlin Blunnie
Instagram: @liberaljane
By Jenny Woodruff
By Lexi Dickens
Instagram: @lexiadickensart
By Maribel Hernandez
Instagram: @maribelz
By Jayna Hadwiger
Instagram: @jayna_hadwiger
Fighting for Abortion Access is an Act of Love
By Megan Smith
Instagram: @repealhyde
Freedom is Access is Love
By Sarah Leis
Instagram: @sans_saraf
Clinic Escort
By Kelly Barber Rogers
Instagram: @KellyRogersArt
The Space of Others
By Jasmine Jones
Instagram: @artof.jasmine
By Adrienne Day
Instagram: @msdayarts
By Gay Pasley
Instagram: @gaypasley
By April Holder
Instagram: @holder_ad
Safe Space
By Tiffani Nicole Sanders
Instagram: @artist_tiffani
The Gift of Choice
By Lacey Brauser
Instagram: @lace0face
By Madihah Janjua
Instagram: @madihahjanjua